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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Deconstructing and reconstructing the universe

Another delightful al fresco meal last evening with food as usual most deliciously prepared by Richard (how lucky we are to have such a talented son-in-law!). The two photos unfortunately come without sound, just pictures alone, so you'll have to imagine the debate that raged among our three grandchildren, Christina in the middle and Peter on the left are both at university now, John is bearded like many university students but isn't quite yet one himself. He's formidable now in debate, and passionate withal, will be invincible after a few years at King's College, Dalhousie University, where he intends to take a combination of religious studies and journalism. Listening to it all last night as they talked about science and religion took me back over 60 years to memories of many similar passionate arguments on the veranda beside our tennis court at 7 Olive Street, Glenelg where several very vocal and argumentative friends of mine deconstructed and reconstructed the universe when we were at the age and stage that these three are now. I envy them starting out with the world at their feet! We had the world at our feet sixty years ago too, and looking back, I can see that with some extraordinarily good luck on our side, we shaped it all pretty much to our specifications. I hope our three grandchildren can do the same.

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