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Saturday, May 22, 2010


Between them, our two blenders can reduce just about any food from steak and veggies to soup with suszpended lumps of meat, vegetables and swollen lumps of barley to a fairly homogenous mush that usually slips down easily. Although its appearance sometimes conjures up images of something quite unpalatable, it smells like the food of which the mush is made and Wendy assures me that it tastes anywhere from good to delicious, depending in the foods I've blended. But despite her increasing disability, her discriminating tongue can identify and reject lumps that have evaded the blender's sharp blades, and 'stringy bits' that might stick in her gullet. Also, she complains that some blended dishes are 'too dry' -- a problem I can solve by adding soup to the main course I'm blending. We had a small crisis as a result of the combination of dryness, lumps and stringy bits a couple of days ago. A small, trivial event to be sure but our lives are dominated these days by small trivial things. Yesterday afternoon our friends Pat and Don Muldrew called on us, bringing among other things, milk shakes. We had these in the late afternoon, and when it was time an hour or so after their delightful visit for me to get our evening meal ready, neither of us felt like eating. Well, a milk shake is blended milk and icecream, so I suppose we'd had a very successful blended meal. Even now next morning before breakfast, I still feel comfortably satisfied. So more milk shakes will be on our menu in future!

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