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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Slipped disk

The Trump presidency isn't a month old but it's already fulfilled my forebodings that it would be a disaster. The man himself has repeatedly demonstrated his unfitness for the office he holds. His only qualification, the one that got him elected by accumulating a plurality of seats on the bizarre electoral college, was supremely successful demagoguery based on xenophobia and intolerance. It seems likely to me that he will precipitate more wars, and if he does, they will be nuclear wars, wars in which there will be no limits on weapons of mass destruction, use of torture, and a wide range of unconscionable acts, doubtless justified on the grounds that it's OK for the USA to use them because of the USA's exceptionalism.

Trump has no regard for facts, appears to live in his own alternative reality, as Hilary Clinton remarked during a "debate" before the election. He really does believe his inauguration attracted the largest crowd ever, despite photographic evidence that clearly demonstrated this to be false. He has many strong, but wrong, beliefs. For example, he believes vaccines cause autism. I'm waiting for a presidential decree in support of this belief, wondering how the NIH, CDC and other reputable scientific authorities will react if such a decree emerges...   

It doesn't surprise me that George Orwell's dystopia, portrayed in his pessimistic novel 1984, has become a best-seller. I'm tempted to say  that my dying wish is is for life to imitate art in this respect, except that the consequences could be, probably would be, catastrophic for innocent infants, children, and adults all over the world.

What does any of this have to do with a slipped disk? Nothing. But with 78 rpm records, potentially plenty if the needle slips out of its proper groove.

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