We couldn't advance my new career in the backwater that Adelaide was in the early and middle 1960s so another feature of my career change was that it forced us to travel. To call it 'forced' puts it in a bad light: Wendy and I eagerly embraced the need to travel and although encumbered by two little toddlers, then two young children and a delicate baby with a very severe congenital heart defect, we enjoyed it enormously. Jonathan's heart defect and its successful surgical treatment was another crisis that drew Wendy and me closer together. Our migration to Canada was another crisis, another adventure in which we shared equally. At first we looked upon our move from Edinburgh to Ottawa as a stage: Ottawa was a stepping stone on our eventual return to Australia (or to New Zealand). But Wendy and I both flourished, we both had successful and enjoyable lives and careers in Canada. After about five, then ten years in Ottawa - mutually supportive years - we imperceptibly became Canadian, shed enough of our Antipodean roots to feel that we belonged in Canada. That's another way we were fortunate: if one of us had embraced the fact of becoming Canadian and the other hadn't, our family life would have been stormy and almost certainly not sustainable.
Finally, in our 80s, we continued to grow closer together. At our 50th wedding anniversary banquet Wendy read a poem she'd written for the occasion. I heard it for the first time that evening. Here are the final lines:
... humour and sympathy
For each other's shortcomings,
Love and admiration
For fine qualities developed
In advancing years,
Add up to fifty years
Of a good marriage.
Janet Wendy Last February 14 2007
(I could replace 'good' in the last line of this poem with other, multisyllabic adjectives that convey more accurately and completely what our marriage meant to Wendy and me, but they wouldn't scan).